Step 1
Your offer is accepted, and you instruct a Conveyancer. We open a file and send a client care pack for you to complete and return. UK ‘national average’ for the Conveyancing process is 12-16 weeks.
Step 2
We will receive the contract documents from the seller’s conveyancer. Searches will now usually be ordered. The results can take a number of weeks to be returned to us.

Step 5
Once the search results are back, we will send you a report on the outcome and copies of the searches for your information.
Step 6
Once the replies to enquiries are all back and satisfactory, we will draft a property report to you, this will include copies of all the documents for you to review.

Step 9
Before exchange we will need from you:-
- PROOF OF FUNDS – (This is different from what you have provided brokers/estate agents and is for Regulations we must adhere to).
Step 10
Exchange Exchange can happen anytime from agreeing the date up to and including the day of completion. Any party can walk away up to the point of exchange without liability to the other party.

Step 3
The contracts and the title deeds will be checked, and we will ask any necessary questions (Raise enquiries) of the seller’s conveyancer.
Step 4
When your mortgage offer is received, we will check the details and confirm these to you in a report. Now is a good time to instruct a surveyor.

Step 7
The documents for you to sign will now also be sent to you. Please read the letter on how to sign carefully to save any errors and hold-ups.
Step 8
We can now discuss dates. No date is guaranteed at this stage, only once contracts have been exchanged, is it guaranteed and legally binding.

Step 11
Completion On the day of completion, we will send the funds to the seller’s conveyancer, it can take some time to reach them. Once they confirm receipt, you will be able to collect your keys!