Local business makes “life changing” donation to homeless appeal

A North-East homelessness charity’s Christmas appeal has been given a boost thanks to a donation from local conveyancing experts Toomey Legal.

The ‘Giving a Home’ Christmas appeal, run by Oasis Community Housing, raises vital funds to support the charity’s year-round work providing drop in centres, supported housing and a range of other services to help men, women and families facing homelessness.

“As we head into a cold winter, we’re all juggling the cost of living crisis – but for some, it will push them over the edge into homelessness. Latest figures already show that rough sleeping is on the rise and we fear things will only get worse,” explains Hazel Ditchburn of Oasis Community Housing.

“Our Christmas appeal provides the financial foundation for our next year’s homelessness service meaning every penny donated goes towards making a life-changing difference for the 1,300-plus people who walk through our doors each year.”

Toomey has led the way in supporting the charity’s Giving a Home appeal. Toomey Legal helps property buyers and sellers across Newcastle with their conveyancing needs to ensure a fast and smooth process.

Toomey charity gingerbread man

Sue said: “With need rising, Oasis Community Housing’s role has never been more important and we’re very pleased to be contributing to their essential work.”

Alongside other businesses from across the North East, Toomey’s support has enabled the charity to secure a place on the Big Give’s 2023 Christmas Challenge, which means all donations made to the Giving a Home Christmas appeal will be doubled between 28 November and 5 December.

Ms Ditchburn continues: “We’re working harder than ever to give people a home right now – not just a temporary roof overhead, but somewhere warm, where they are safe and feel they belong for the long-term. Anything people can afford to give this Christmas, especially during Big Give Week where their £5 instantly becomes £10, will enable us to continue being a lifeline for the adults, young people, and children we support every year.”

To donate and help someone facing homelessness this winter, you can visit www.givingahome.org.uk